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we're here!

up bright and early, 4 am. note his swollen eye. stupid allergies! c, n and 1 left wed am for ont to visit nana and papa plumps

then we put him to work. haha

loving this whole dvd in the car. we loved it too

rest stop

nate got out of the van, dropped to the ground and asked "are we there yet?" haha

mcdees for lunch. a play park was a must

we arrived in ottawa wed night around 5ish. checked in and found an adorable pub with wicked grub for supper. we were tired but had a great day on the road! 12 hrs and nate did AWESOME!

waiting for the food

what can you do while you wait?

i know have a staring contest. haha

thurs we did 6 hrs of driving and got to the farm around 4ish...

hay! yeah! we are in the country now!

the farm is amazing. i will take pics tomorrow to post. simply wonderful! these are the roses from my room, cut from muetti's rose bush

another flower arrangement for me from muetti! there was small chocolates around the base but they are gone, i ate them. yummy swiss chocolate...haha!

we are here, enjoying it and relaxing! i will update again soon!


Crystal said...

Quinn just figured out that Toronto is IN Ontario. So he is very upset that he can't come with me. He thinks you and me are having a secret fun party... Too bad we can't have an Ikea date! Someday we will go together.