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this is vati and muetti's home
pictures and words can not describe the peace and beauty of it
i had such a great time her, walking along the paths they created in the back yard along with river, the meadow and woods (as i call it) it was divine
i wish everyone could experience it for themselves
you don't need a park to go to here!
path in the meadow

along the river

path. yes, they cut the grass, built walk ways and take care of it

left? right? where to go? left goes to the woods, right to the meadow which leads to the river

more pathways

up in the woods in the camper and fire pit
i told them they should build a swiss vineyard coffee house like they have in their vineyards. but bigger



more trails/paths to walk on

i will be a tree planted along the river

eyes have not seen, ears have not heard the greatness of our god

bridge over a stream

seriously. in their back yard

picking apples

he comforts the weak

i will stand and tell of gods greatness in this land

i am not alone

amazing hu!

to have this beauty in your back yard is one thing but ti DO something with it is another!