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day 2

animal kingdom. all was well, i had coffee

charlie with chris

charlie loves chris. most kids are scared of big, bad, mean chris. not charlie. she loves him

in africa, just got off the wild and animal full safari. love disney atmosphere

walking in the midst of the morning

meeting some of the animals

just got off dinosaur. nate rode it, i was impressed
we left the tree of life, bugs life and found flick outside. nate was very happy to see in in person

after the hug nate asked him "i have a question. how did you get out of the movie and get here?"

that's my science kid

perfecting the silly face
cry wanted a family picture

haha. nate ran in just as we took the pic. she got her family pic right?! ha!

after a late night (fire works) and a long day with no nap, this princess crashed

can i just say that she is like the cutest...i think she looks like evelyn...and a bit of cry....or am i way off on this?
while charlie napped the boys played dress up. with my stuff. they came out of the room like this

nate was "a alien robot"

quinn was a bride. with my shoes on. haha

and back to their play area. my closet
later i asked quinn to help with the laundry

he did

he folded ALL of it! i didn't help at all

please note nate watching tv in the back groundand that was day 2 and 3 (i think)