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taking the beaten path
 after preschool this morning we went to find some ducks to feed some moldy bread...ha!
tree with black spots on it
 nate wants to know what it is. i have no clue. so i took a pic for chris to educate us...ha!
 nate wanted me to take his picture by the water. so i did
 taking a break with my boy
 now this is cool! yesterday nate and i studied up on snakes. i taught him the basics of snakes and how they live. today, walking in the park right in front of us was this snake! so i quickly grabbed nate and showed him (while snapping a pic) and then drilled him on what he learnt yesterday. shockingly, he remembered most all of it!

did you know snakes don't have ears? they don't! they hear by using their bellies to transmit vibrations...snakes are also ubber sensitive to smell and feel from far away...they use camouflage as their main strategy in hiding from enemies! 

anyways, it was neat so see and how him....cause i am so NOT a snake kinda gal...i am how ever a snack kinda gal. haha
and finally, chris, what is this??? i said it was a part of the bark of the tree trunk but that is simply not good enough. nate wants to know what it is, the name, how it got there and why is it there??


lucky nate got to go to 2 parks today. one to feed the ducks some moldy bread and 1 to play while i finished my latest book.  pregnancies make me want to do nothing but read. sigh. i will take it now cause later it's all over!