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this morning we headed off to the hali waterfront for some fun and adventures. we took the kids on the harbour hopper or how quinn says it the "hobber hopper"
charlie and her mama
shot form the way back down from citadel hill. this tour was well worth the money and i totally recommend it to anyone to go! 
nate and i. he snuggles with me for most of the voyage!
view of the hali waterfront from the water part of the hopper
group shot! minus the adult women folk
on the way home we made a pit stop (for me to pee!) in stewiack and visited the mastodon ridge
3 wild animals
seriously does he never stop running? the energy! i tire from watching him!
chris found a rock that he turned into a tablet. he wrote my name, so sweet. then he ruined it with this redic math talk....what does it say? what does it mean? who knows....he's such a geek!

and with that! we are HOME! i do love coming home, nothing like it!

hope you's all had a wonderful long weekend! and back to real life!