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happy b-day quinn!

have a wonderful birthday my first ever nephew!  i can not believe you can flying into our world 5 YRS! ago that sunny, hot, summer morning.  i missed your birth by 5 mins! i was parking the car when you were born. (ok being totally honest here, i was like 38 wks pregnant with nate at the time and demand a tim's stop for food on the way there...if i didn't stop to eat i would have made it in time BUT i would have been hungry and cranky...haha) you came fast, furious, loud and comical and have remained that adding more sparkle to your character line up as the yrs go by

can are no longer a baby, toddler, preschooler but a school aged boy! you dress, eat, brush your teeth, help with chores, pick up toys, clean (some what. haha) wipe your own bum! all by yourself...aunty is so proud of you, you crazy loud, always talking, singing, playing, acting! and creating a buzz where ever you go. 

AND you go to school this yr!  sigh. where have the yrs gone?  we love you!  have a wonderful birthday party today, my little party planning protege!

happy 5th birthday quinn!!!

*and you guys thought this would be another picture filled post about eliana....haha


Crystal said...

I am so sad you couldn't be here for the Quinn party, you always get a kick out of his silly antics...
And out of all his presents, your Spiderman balloon was the biggest hit, go figure!

mel said...

the spiderman balloon was the only boy birthday one they had! i knew nate would love it. haha
maybe quinn can come up for nate's birthday...note i didn't say party :)

mel said...

i meant i didn't say party cause i am to lazy to have one this yr...!