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us in pics

we took n to the park yesterday for some him time.  ellie spent some time praying
then we had a picnic, inside. it was too hot for nate. haha
sleepy, cuddly, adorableness
i found her like this. sook in hand. ha!
waking up. doing some stretching. life is bliss
seriously focused on nate
bath girl
i have a pic of n somewhere looking very much like this
i think they are twins. 5 yrs a part
she's smiling!!!!  its the best pic i could get
i was ticked
nate is the front
then i found out why and i forgave
chris is keeping himself busy with that 3 yr old to do list. he finally has the time to get things done. ha
he's now working on some shelves for me, for the basement for home school storage.  i plan on keeping n and e's school work in a banker's box, 1 box per yr per kid. then let them down size them once they get older

on an amazing note. ellie is sleeping 5 hrs at night now. sleep training is a gift from god


Veronique said...

awwwwww....hehehe....SO ADORABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

"Pretty sure that having a 5 year old in the front seat is illegal"

said the cop