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nate's fun park!

 ellie kept herself busy at nate's gym class. ha!

nate and his friends came up with this amazing idea. they are calling the back yard "nate's fun park"  they made up signs and are charging fees depending upon what the kids want to do
 here is a copy of one of the signs they made, and put up. they also plan on selling snacks such as pop corn and ice cream and face painting...

they came up to me yesterday with a brilliant idea! they are now charging .25 for anyone who wishes to play or see eliana. bawhhhhhh im serious! they want to CHARGE to play and look at ellie bec and i quote "ellie is so cute, everyone would pay to see her"


for the record, i told them they had a great idea, love the entrepreneurship, the creativity and the drive to make this happen, but fortunately, nate's fun park will remain free to anyone who comes over to play.
 i was late getting down stairs the other morning (i pulled an almost all nighter, i did sleep for 2 hrs) and saw this. nate got ellie up, brought her down, put her in her chair! and was reading her favorite story to her, he also got her sippy cup from the fridge and a snack. seriously! i can stay in bed from now on! haha

so ellie's a bit under the weather. this is her after her nap yesterday
 she had all her favorite things, thanks to nate. her sooky, blanket, dolly and pretty
she is still not herself, im praying over her. health and fever to break. poor dolly