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treasure box/science!

 i made this "simple" box up for a friend yesterday took me 2 HOURS!  seriously, 2 loving hours!  its for the preschool kids class for the months of june and july, something about treasures or other
 i am kicking myself for working on it during a play date, haha.  nate and his friend were in and out of the room, asking for things, i must have stopped 20 times to tend to them. haha

yesterday afternoon, we did a quick science demo on the size of Jupiter. did you know it is the largest planet? made up of gases. very cool and it also has a hurricane like storm circle...haha
 we measured out the sizes, comparable to the size of earth as a focal/visual
(yes we home school shirt less, it was hot and he was outside playing before we started)
 nate did it all by himself!  ive learned to chill and let him do it
we used 4 cans of play doh. haha see how big Jupiter is?