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my life

 this is me.  my kids.  i love them and am grateful that i can stay home and raise them!
 i started ellie on a loose preschool program. that i made up. haha.  i got her a journal and i draw something and she colors it
 she loves having her own book and brings it to me
i am blown away by how fast she picks up on things, she is more advanced than nate was at this age.  she loves to talk and boy, does she ever!  most days i have no clue what she's saying. ha

the other day i told her we can go out to play and she says "lets get on with it!" as i dressed her. haha
 she asked me to write her name, her whole name, then she wanted quinn, charlie, papa, nana and aunty....sorry shawn.....she forgot about you. har har
 i found her like this!!!
 my word!she is into everything, but she's cute about it so she gets away with it. ha
this morning she said to me "mama. i go upstairs to play room to cook. ok? yes? thank you. good bye. i love you, have a good time. bye bye!"