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nates birthday!

 this week chris took off for "vacation"  he spent most of it at the land.  i went to visit for nate's 11th! birthday (on thurs)  i found this!  siding was started. i LOVE that these boards came from our land, the trees that chris cut down!
 drywall in the girl's room is DONE!  joey was showing me the "basement"
 the ceiling too!
 upstairs!  the drywall for the lower level is done, except for the kitchen and nates room

we had cake. nate put the screws in!
 my amazing son!  SO proud of this kid....who's watching the last of the Indiana jones with his dad as i type :)
 we then opened the presents from muetti and vati. i saved them for this occasion.  goodness the gifts were spot on amazing!  THANK YOU! 
 chris read joey her card.  look at her face
 she was eating up the love on the card
 DINOSAURS!  she LOVES them. she loves dinosaurs, so this gift was perfect for her.  funny story...that night or rather early in the morning chris found her at 4 AM, awake and playing with them in her bed!  chris took them from her and told her to go to sleep. ha. 
 so what did i do thurs night?  i spent the evening watching tv with nate...until chris came home...then they watched indiana jones while i went to bed. haha