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pt 5

 us!  thanksgiving morning
trying for a good family pic. ha
 me and my parents, quinn and my little
 after church we hit up swiss chalet for thanksgiving chicken. hahaha LOVE the no cooking, no cleaning, no mess east dinner.  joey was scratching her nose, not picking it. haha
 the kids were so well behaved. they colored
 and made a "bloody vampire" ha
 and crashed as soon as we hit the highway
 ahhhhh now, thats a nap
 it was a really nice time away. thanks for hosting cry and shawn
we got home, emptied the van and i literally ran out the door to get groceries. we had nothing but condiments in the fridge! 

and with that, im spending my monday holiday cleaning, blogging, laundry and more cleaning as we enter the first week of october.

i can believe hw fast sept went by.  redic fast.