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sunny sunday!

 i snapped this pic of the kids last sun before we went to church,  when i uploaded it i was the cross i the back ground!  so cool!

joey says HI!
 mon morning i came down to the main level to this....2 sisters playing...
 and they spent the MORNING here.  i did school with nate and around lunch time i came to find them in the same spot!
 monday morning i was on the ball!  i had supper in the crock pot by 9 am!  and it turned out to be the BEST stew ive ever made.  SO good, nate had his friend over for supper on tues and the kid liked my stew!   gotta love those days when you feel "on top of it" it happens to me about once a week. hahaha
 we also did a lot of science experiments.  i pull of the supplies nates needs and let him at it. the sister are always there to root him on
 so cool!
 ha!  atoms in action!
 ellie was quite impressed and i was able to do a quick science lesson with her...
 while ellie waited for her friends to come home from school, i found her like this.  i asked her what she was doing and she said "making a cake" what an awesome cake ellie-rhe!