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 i threw the girls into the tub and gave them some bubble bath
i came back to this
 what a mess
 BUT! they had SO much fun and really, how much of a mess is water everywhere?  i look at it as easy cleaning....just wipe. voila. CLEAN. ha
 the MESS on the floor...but they were in the rub for almost 2 hrs. totally worth it!
 after bath time, nate went to his friends house. i made made more drawing cards for the girls.  they LOVE it
 this is mine and ellies drawing of a tree, with branches and leaves. an owl, a bird house, a birds nest, the sun and grass....
i was impressed!

one funny story.  as we were driving to story time this morning, i was listening to the girls talking in the back seat.

ellie said " joey, you know when you grow up you can be ANYTHING you want to be! like some one who discovers and digs up dinosaur bones!"

joey then says "no. i want to be a mommy to dinosaurs. a dinosaur mommy."

bwahhhhh  totally ellie to think, plan and calculate the future
totally joey to say "i just want to be a mommy"