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so far behind!

i pulled the pics off my phone this morning and thought YIKES! im so far behind!  the winter months are flying by! which is so nice! normally they DRAG on with endless storms and cold days...this yr? its been quite warm and we've only had 2 storms.  we spend most wkends at the cabin, i tend to head up wed/thurs with the kids. loaded with school books, my books and shows to watch.  i love it out there.  ive been playing with water color, its quite fun and enjoyable.  

i had the most wonderful thought in jan and some how we made it a weekly trend, and i think that it REALLY helped with school and the loneliness of winter months ...we taken every monday off in jan and feb.  and im surprised that MORE school work is getting done and i have a day to relax, plan and prep all the lessons (i do it monday) so im not using up the weekends doing more school work.  ive also had the opportunity to have a night alone at the cabin.  2 actually, the first one i mostly painted and read...i played with painting birds and decided i suck at that. haha so i moved on to flowers

i have my friend join us every fri with the kids.  this one day we took them to the cabin we found on the land across the street.  i brought my camera to take pics.  chris discovered it awhile back. its the neatest little place. i am SO going back in the spring to investigate it more! 
bread box with old cutlery and cups
stove!  the oldest paper i found was from 1991. so neat! it has a lost and bed up there, a bunk bed and table.  it was a sweet little camp back in her day!
taking the kids for a walk through the woods
nate took these, he thought it looked so nice out
i agree!