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before march break!

once again i find myself so terribly far behind in the blog.  the days are long! but the years are short! ive had the opportunity to have coffee almost weekly with a dear friend.  we have our fav cafe and try to meet up weekly.  we missed one so far.  its refreshing to sit and chat. i always splurge and get a treat. and its the BEST coffee in moncton! 
ellie has this pink book that i write her nites in every night, one day i asked her to come up with a list for our night away at the cabin. she made a list. it had over 30 different activities! haha  we had a snow storm so the kids were off for the day.  jessy came over and the kids went outside. i went to check on them and found this.  they made a snow couch, a remote, and turned the cardboard box into a t.v.  ellie was inside the box pretending to be a news castor while jessy sat back and enjoyed his hot cocoa and snacks
so funny!
after swimming i found this little one on the couch wih her bestie. haha
how much love we have for you little joey girl!
i decided to take ellie to the cabin for her one on overnight date.  joey was so upset to not have me with her for 12 hours. after coming up with a plan for her....nate spent the night in her room, he slept on the top bunk and they had a sleep over.  nate saved the day!  they had a lot of fun and joey was ok with me  not being around.  she wrote me a song called "i will miss you so, so, so, so much" and sang it to me. hahaha
date night!  first stop. the dollar store to pick up some stuff .  ellie found the dog aisle and spent a good 10 mins going over EVERYTHING and making a list for the dog.!  dog update!  mama dog is pregnant! the litter is due late may. we should have our pup by july!
we got our snacks and hit up the cabin...where we were met with a good 3' wall of snow!  i shoveled us in and got to the door where i got stuck, after spending an hour digging myself out, i wanted to turn the car around and got stuck again!  i gave up and told ellie we were stuck for the night. ha 
her choice of activities...we played the xbox, i played too!
painted a squirrel feeder
watched 2 movies, had supper, painted
and cuddled by the fire.  she slept in bed with me and in the morning i texted chris that i needed to be rescued
and this ladies is what a hero looks like.  he loaded up the snow blower and drove out to the cabin to get us out.  with out one complaint!  then cleaned off my car, warmed it and had it ready for me to pick nate and joey up
on our way back to the house to get the other 2, ellie crashed!  i guess it was a bit too late the night before. ha
but we had a great mom and ellie night.  lots of conversations, one on one time and memories were made!