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school round up!

i enlisted nate to help photocopy and binder his school!  can you believe im  in the last quarter of the school yr! AND im on track! i spent a good chunk of march break planning and prepping, purging and cleaning the school yr. cause thats what march break is for right? ha  

nate's final course selections for gr 8.  

im keeping record in a book for this yr, mostly to practice for his transcripts for high school....NEXT year!  but for now this bad book is working.  marking his work takes up a great chunk of time.  and im thinking it will only get longer from this point till graduation...i plan on naming our school and purchasing a transcript  program for high school
joey is doing good!  she always surprises me!  i pegged her for the hardest one to teach because shes so easily distracted and emotional...but shes the EASIEST to teach!  i explain something once and she's got it.  her reading and spelling. we should be done by the end of march
still using the planner. best idea EVER! i dont plan the girls, instead i write down what we DID!
ellie finished beta and started gamma this wk
ellie finished her language arts as well
both girls finished our canada study and grammar
it was easier to combine the two, they also finished science as well
then i ripped my school room a part. now that i have a good idea of what curric will work for each girls im able to purge and get rid of things i no longer need/won't work/etc... i have 2 empty shelves! 
i did splurge and get this to read over march break.  i finished it in 2 days!  EXCELLENT book for a first time novelist
more purging and sorting
i am having a book sale in april, i have 6 BINS of books i no longer need. im hoping to make enough money to buy high school books for nate as well as add to our library 

the new bulletin board ...that ill add daily to it. ha

my to do list is DONE!
i got these 2 books last night off marketplace for 10.00. im so excited.  from the ashes has been on my to read list for about 6 months. i was hoping to find it used and i did! i stayed up till 12:30 reading last night...cant wait for the kids to go to bed tonight. ha
we have a new morning set up.  im now doing morning time with the girls.  we do our copy work, and read out louds.  im reading fables for march and Benjamin  rabbit. 
then we split off for our 1 on 1.  joey sits like this. ha
this quarter shes working on math, reading, spelling, language arts and science

we are starting this on friday
i want to do something virtues related but im not sure. i have this book, so i might turn it into a family activity....not sure
morning set up
our read out loud for march/april
ellies done her language arts but im going to use this as a refresher until we are done school
ellie's books
and tada! im going to introduce fairy tales and fables!  i took the zoom class about fairy tales and the story of christ!  most fables and fairy tales (the REAL ones, not disney) have a thread of the salvation story through them!  im researching some teaching materials on this. but really interesting and eye opening!
my plants! they are ALIVE! joey and i are taking great care of these guys. ha!
as we head into spring i want to do more outside school activities.  nature journals, walks and lots of play dates!  but this is a quick peek into our school life!

school definitely takes a lot longer.  its 3-4 hours. nate is usually done way before me. ha.  but its just a season and totally worth it!