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body class!

we studied the heart and blood vessels last week. above is the red and white blood cells and below  was a cows heart 
yummy!  the kids love the class and im so grateful for amanda's skills to teach the class (shes a nurse) 
hungry joey?
why yes! 
i found this in joey room. she gave nate a coupon that he gave her for Christmas, she saved the coupon book in her dresser. she passed the coupon in and nate sat down and did a craft with her!  seriously? so cute!
and joey made this fox all by herself!
joeys bed.  she makes her bed like this, so i can crawl in beside her and snuggle with her. haha!
last week was chris's birthday. the girls had made chris a gift a few WEEKS earlier 
joey was already to go and nate too!  he wrapped his gift in newspaper 
a cup of coffee!  we all had a good laugh 
opening joey's gift 
wrapped in her dinosaur sweater 
a stuffie! ha 
hugs all around
school with my little 
these 2 cuties on my phone!