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nate's crew

i try really hard to respect nate's privacy as he grows up.  but i just have to sneak these pics in...our place is still a place where they come to hang.  the drive is a pain in the butt but im willing to pick and drop off the kids.  last wkend we celebrated Hendrix's birthday.  it was hard.  one kid was missing.  

but they still managed to make some memories and laughs...i dont mind them being here. at all!  i often get calls ..."hey mom, do you mind if so and so come for the night?"  i dont mind at all. they are a great bunch of kids.  

some of nate's crew...Hendrix, dylan, ash, cindia, nate in the middle, chase and clara

5 yrs from now they will be secondary, married, moved....i just get a quick peek into their lives. but i hope they know they are loved, welcomed and wanted at the eig's house!