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November was filled with school, trips, craft class, zoo camp, cheer, swim, play groups and LIFE...this is just a quick peek into our days.....

first pic is handicraft class

meeky my baby!  love this dog

Aralee and i went off to st john for the homeschool p.d day.  i truly enjoyed wearing a dress, no kids and chatting with my friend! 
house progress from nov...haha way out dated

zoo camp days were FULL days.  we did zoo camp, swim, and cheer back to back!  I was so sad to find out that there is no zoo camp this spring. 

there is nothing more refreshing than a quiet pool...i love the small of reminds me of the days of travel 
just a picnic in their room with their rats! 
i found meeka like this....what a lazy dog

For remembrance day this yr we had a quest speaker come in, Steve served over seas and shared his experiences with us.  We watched a video, and i did a craft with the kids  

This sums up my life. ha 
I found this and giggled. I love the creativity of the girls!  They made mini text books of all their school books!
a typical crafternoon!