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Jail Tour!

I got the group into the Dorchester Tour.  so fun!  I love the owners and how forth coming they were with the history and information about the jail....even though they are from ontario...haha

the jail is the oldest running jail.  the last hanging was the Bannister Brothers in 1936. Horrific story.  i didnt share the details with the girls! The jail is now an air b and b for those who want to stay the night!

Jail cell!

i locked them up!

walking to death row 

where the x where the trap door was.  the body would drop into the floor below...the rec part of the jail! so the others could WATCH!  for the bannister brothers they used 1 rope and hung them together! it took 22 minutes for them to die.
i took this pic bec i thought it was quite intimate for a mother and son to look....then i heard the real story of what went on. poor boys, they never stood a chance against their mother.  pure evil she was
i was intrigued how the owners...from ontario got a mason banner and ceremony chair!?!?!

cry! remember these make up counters from the 80's!
nate joined us on this tour.  he got along quite well with the owner's wife...after everyone left she took nate to the basement and showed him some disturbing things...shackles, chains, markings on the wall left from ppl....
my jail crew!