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hormarus tour!

we toured shedia's homarus center.  ok.  i live in the merry-times but im not super up to knowledge on lobsters and ocean critters....i am now!  i love these tours. i learn more than the kids.  i came home telling chris all about what i learned,  the weather was fantastic.  we were in shorts.  nate came with us and we ended up spending the day in shediac...judah was with us...
touching the lobster
nate too!
i am now wise about lobster traps. i can explain exactly how they work! 
yes, i stand in the back with the kids and learn along with them
i was super pleased bec im studying ocean critters with the girls and we were able to see what we learned about the last few weeks....which reminds me that i am so far over due for a school review!

critters we were able to reach in the tank and hold

marcia took these pics of me
teaching catapults. im right in with the kids 
more crafts
i love her 
my baby...she's still my shadow!
ellie going over our weekly schedule.  it gives her comfort when i go over the week in detail with her