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the garage with my school room is roughed in!  chris put the window in and meeka barked at all the birds 

the view from the school room window.  i like it! 

the view from the school room window to the left 

you can see the addition!  Chris is still plugging away at the house.  its been almost a yr living in the cabin.  with 1 bathroom....its been really nice...i dont miss the moncton house at all.  i love the woods!
we are pretty much always crafting.  ellie now joins us often
they made these cute animals from egg cartons....we go through so many eggs...nate eats 6 a DAY!  redic keeping him fed. its a full time job! ha 
cute little piggy
wednesdays are pretty routine. school, swim, Amanda's for supper, kid connect...the kids love their swim time 

we hit up Tantramar Marsh lands.  Its always one of my favorite trips.  
the kids pretended to be public school kids
nate came along. i do enjoy having him with us. but i also respect his boundaries and wanting to do his own thing....its a fun balance...awe nate with meg's littlest 
more school pretend play 
maria working with ellie 
i partnered up with joey 
digging out pond creatures...ok. i had a blast.  i took my own tray and found my own critters, the main teacher came and took one of them bec apparently it was super rare to find. she put it in a specimen jar and took it to the lab 
nate found his own partner....cough.....
im not watching.....ha 
one storm sunday afternoon i met up with the A team- Amanda, April and Aralee....we took in a work shop on local medicinal plants...i made a tea from the earth and it was quite tasty 
our lunch was "from farm to table" meaning everything on the plate came from the farmers ground. including the spices, flours, salad and meat.  the best lunch.  we made 2 healing balms and salts. i didnt take pic bec i was off enjoying myself....theres nothing greater than great food that you dont have to make or clean up and no one calling "mel! or mom!"