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act like a 4rd old!

ever just have a day ( few and not often enough) with your child that just screams the bliss of parenthood? i did today. so much fun we had. in between meetings and running errands we went to the park

i taught nate how to do a somersault

goof ball!

then we did some rolling

me too!

creative education. i had nate copy the story title on the mag page. he loved being rebel-boy and writing in my mag. with me there

tree man

chillin in the sun

adorable and not a toddler anymore. sniff sniff

soccer! i finally got nate into soccer and he LOVED it. he's a total natural at it. bonus? having a friend in his class, dbl bonus? i get to talk to my friend during his lesson which keeps me entertained!

i snapped 2 pics before i was told to put my camera away...what taking pics is against the policy? i never knew


pre-lesson talk

note that nate is the only one sitting and listening. this was a trend

soccer rules!

what a fun day. today just flowed and it rocked. i love my kid!

why can't every day be like this?


Ursi said...

Can't believe how much Nate looks like Chris, especially in the picture where he's looking out of the trees. Hugs and kisses for all of you!!

wk-eigenheer said...

You should have seen Chris as a kid! May be he ws older but with a intensity....!! Like father like son... Love you all out east. Muetti