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messes and more messes

yeah....after putting nate to bed last night, on my way to the couch to crash i walked into this

it took him less then 10 mins to do this


to those who think (how ever did they get that????) my house is always clean are wrong!

and i post pics of it


so last night AT bedtime chris decided to do an experiment with nate. all i know is it involved MY kitchen aid and ROCKS

i told c is he did not clean it all up he was sleeping on the couch

he slept with me ;)

but not before n got his leg stuck in the chair

i took this pic after i assessed the situation and proclaimed " looks like we have to amputate"

yes. n knows what amputate means

he was quite pleased that taking the seat off worked and his leg was removed

i think he was on the way out of the room and fell back to sleep

silly child!

that's us and how are you?