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i finally got the long waited email today
a few weeks back a g. friend, who is a doula asked me my thoughts/knowledge etc... on a situation she found herself in. one of her mom to be's lost her baby at 22ish weeks, the baby had died a few weeks before. she had never attended a still birth before and was lacking the know how on what to do

me heart! i was so sad for this mom 2 be. she had chosen to deliver the baby nat, at home. it took about 3 weeks to happen and she delivered her baby girl last night

for the last few weeks i have thought of this mom, who i don't know and prob will never. my heart was so sad for her and still is

today i light my ben candle for her and her daughter

life is just not fair

i am leaving you with a gift, peace of heart and mind. jn 14:27