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antics! antics!

yesterday morning nate made sure ellie was comfortable
pillows for her head and under her feet
then he went and got his blanket, cat and ellie's fav toy 
checking in on her to make sure she was ok
she was
after lunch nate was playing with her
can you find the baby? haha
he wanted me to cover them both
love the look on her face
total trust
those cheeks!  i love kissing them and getting a gummy, sloppy smack right back!
this morning i woke to this delight
nate wanted to experiment with a raw egg
so he set it up
cloth underneath to clean up any spills, he cracked the egg in the container and placed the shell on his empty chip bag, then used random kitchen tools to play with it
i was not made at all.  i saw it and laughed. i had him show me what he learned and discovered then asked him to put it away. super easy clean up. ha
love my doodle boy!


Loana said...

Nate is sooooo AWESOME!!!