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sunday stuff

while driving home from church this am, i hit the tim's drive throu for a snack/lunch.  i gave nate his and i heard him unwrap it, take the package and smooth it on his lap, i watch him take the pieces a part and spread it out. then i heard him sigh and say

"ahhhhh, the beauty of my lunch"

us this am.  he is such a funny kid
we have this on going battle over who is greater the power rangers or god.  i keep winning. haha
but i love how it has his thinking all the time about how to stump me, which he never does cause god is greater than the power rangers! 
daddy tasking. feeding ellie while texting
maybe i should write an article on daddy on the iphone?
which leads me to a HUGE rant on that stupid article!
have you read it?  it's garbage, ha. i have strong feelings about it
ok back to more pleasant things, like!
smiley, jumping baby girl!

happy sunny sunday everyone!


Chris Eigenheer said...

I was NOT texting. I was talking to Nate...sheesh...

Loana said...

LOL Chris!!!
What article Mel?

mel said...

you can find mom on the iphone aka megga mom guilt trip at
