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ellie doll!

 yesterday, i wrapped jo up in her snuggle bag and covered her with her blanket and left her to nap in the swing.  an hour later i came back and removed the blanket and found this
 ellie, put her pretty on jo! hahaha seriously, how adorable is this???  i laughed and laughed.  somehow ellie snuck over, removed the blanket, put the bracelet on and covered her back up the same way i had it with out me seeing my girls!

ellie was playing with maddy, this amazing girl who lives a few houses down. we love maddy around here. she is so kind to my kids. she took ellie on the trampoline for me while i had jo, i had them turn the hose on and they had a blast!
 ellie with the power
 soaking maddie
i joked that i should bring the shampoo out and bath ellie, she was already soaked. haha.....actually thats a great idea ;) or use the pool ;) ..........(yes, i ve done that. and no, no  one could see ellie and yes, the water was fresh and clean)