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quinns b-day!

 cry and her broad come up on fri to celebrate quinns birthday at magic mountain.  i haven't been to magic mtn in 22 yrs! ha but the kids had a BLAST! 

first thou it was snuggle time with their newest cousin
 jo slept through it
 haha this is what happens when you feed ellie chocolate and she kisses the bebe
the other morning, nate went and caught a pesky red bug thats been destroying all my lilies!!!!!!  sob sob....  anyways he caught one of them and then created and i quote "it's own natural habitat"  i told him thats awesome but this habitat must remain outside....where he took it and studied it. i was cute. he took the bug out and did a running commentary on it "this red bug has 4 black legs, and a head that is oval....."
