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 i found this on the table.  chris had taken a dessert and put his name on it so no one would take it.  i guess ellie wanted it for
 ellie, oh ellie.  dont write on objects and sign your name.  its way harder to blame it on your sister...ha.  i went and got a magic eraser for her to use to clean it all up!
 judah came over to play bringing this with him....
 oh my!
 then they went to play
 i said "joey, what are you doing?" she said "playing with my drone"
 ellie my ellie!
i simply can not get over how busy the last week was.  so many thing happened!

a few joey funnies

i put her to bed with the same simple prayer "give her eyes to see, hears to hear and a heart that follows you" 

after i said it she says "follow who?" i said "jesus" then she starts roaring with laughter. i was like??? whats so funny?  ten joey says "my heart has no legs, it cant follow? no! no! no!  my eyes have no legs they dont no no! 

get it.  so every night since she says " my eyes, heart, hair etc.... dont follow! they dont have legs!" and laughs her head off. i think i need a new prayer!  silly girl!