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 fri morning i took the girls and nate to the cabin.  the plan was to stay fri-mon.  with mom, dad, cry, shawn, quinn joining us sat till sun for the annual kids birthday party.  jon and copper were coming on sunday.  unfortch, copper was sick and he was unable to come...

the kids played fri while i snuggled own with my book.  i felt like i needed a break!  a mental check out from the crazy week! 

 charlie made this fish scene for me.  the funniest moment was about 4 hrs into the cabin stay when char realized that she forgot her ipad at my house! and guess what???  she lived to tell about it. hahaha
 i found a deer track in the mud.  i think he was waiting for shawn to come. ha
 the kids rea, and played and enjoyed the cabin!
 too many games were played
 sat it was STUPID hot and i mean HOT, +33 we went to the local swimming hole...where shawn coined it as "the place wit bad tattoos and broken dreams live" bawahhhhhh
 jumping from te bridge into the river
 after a swim and supper, we did a fire and chilled
 i bought some color that you throw into the fire. super fun to watch
 seeing her ring pop from quinn!
 sun morning!  party day!
 quinn helped with the cake
 pinata time before the rain
 each kid had a turn beating it
 gathering the candy as the rain fell!
 my 7 and 5 r old!  sunday was joey's 5th birthday!  no more littles for me! 
 quinn lead the games
 he did a great job
 each had a turn
 gift time
 nate got a nice machete
 he was THRILLED
 joey got a HUGE dinosaur!  she LOVED it
 the cake
 and with that, its a wrap!
im home with a MOUNTAIN of laundry to do, a list to get working on. i have 2 days to get it all done before we head to ontario!  YIKES!!!

and with that, im off. ive been blogging for hours! haha  see you all in aug when we get back!