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pt 4 or 5??i lost count

 fri joey did not want to go to kids camp, so i took her to the library, it was raining was so nice to sit and just watch her play. with dinosaurs of course. ha

sat night shawn let the boys drive his tractor...nate LOVED that!
 sun after church we all went home. we also brought quinn and charlie with us to spend the week with us

i wasnt sure how it was going to go.  it was charlies first time away from home, plus the kids just spent 7 days together....but over all it went really well! 
 mon we hit up fort beausejour
 my squad for the week
 little joe got right into the scavenger hunt to win a dog tag, which she thought the reward was a DOG!  haha she was so sad to find out it was just a dog tag
 after the museum we hit up the fort
 where they ran, and played. shot each other and held a church service!
 in the tent, my troop!
 more play
 its so beautiful there
 then we had lunch!
 and back to the fort to play some more
 love them
 so nice, you could see for miles
 the boys
 after the fort we went to the sackville march. there was a information center so we went to explore.  the kids colored and played