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 i got to the cabin and the girls had surprises for me!  a box of fire works and...
 tada!  wine glasses to prevent spills!  now i need to finish my wine break. and get chris to brew me some more to fill these puppies with. but until then, ill just fill them with water or coffee. ha  but thank you chris for the thoughtful gift!  the kids are forever spilling or knocking over my wine glasses, making me cry. haha
 with the craptastic weather we spent a lot of time drawing, reading and playing
 joey drew this lion. i was impressed!
 canada day it poured rain, so we skipped the fire works and sent them off mon night. in the rain
 seriously. so. much rain!
i wasnt sure how the kids were going to fair with the rain, no screens and only n door play.  they did GREAT!  i was able to hide away in the loft of the cabin reading while they played in the porch. it was so nice to NOT hear "MOM!" every 5 mins.  they stayed to themselves and played...chris calculated that they played 6 HOURS with out stopping.  sweet!