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 i forgot to blog these pics.  nate shot them as we drove home. it was just after sun down and we went through this amazing sunset and saw a dbl rainbow.  it was truly beautiful
 mon after a good sleep. the first good sleep in 18 days. we woke to clean, unpack, get groceries and this bad boy arrived.  chris's newest love. bawahhh

chris is ok with this new backhoe/tractor.  yes, its not nearly as big and awesome as his last one, but this one fits in our budget and im happy to say chris stayed IN the budget. ha
 check out the girls jumping!
 i ran out to get groceries and found this guy in the garage. oh johana, i love you so much!
 she told us tonight at supper that she wishes she could have a REAL dinosaur.  someday little joe, some day!
 back to the tractor hahaha
 as i was putting supper together last night i looked over and saw this.  little joe making her dinosaur sticker book! ha