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captain underpants!

 ellie came to me like this....i BUSTED out looks like a head scarf....buts its her UNDERWEAR!
 my little swiss gal. hahaha
 its been forever since i posted, i know. life has been SO busy...i took the girls to the dollar store with nate to spend their money. both girls bought bow and arrow kids and a skip rope.  nate spent all his money on candy. hahah goof!
 the girls shopping...
so the story on the blue coat.  an yr ago my dad and mom bought this coat for joey.  joey being the littlest gets all the "send downs" hardly anything new for her. so my parents bought this jacket for her.  i put it away until she would fit it (sz 6)  BUT she found it last wk.  i told her the story of why it was bought for just her, as ellie sat and listened  and the girls decided that joey could wear it NOW. even though its too big....and she is SOOOOO proud of her "just for HER" coat
 pulling her darts
SO fun! thanks mom and dad!