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the pet!

 Soooo..... i love pets and animals, critters and such. but chris? not so much....ellie was beyond. BEYOND words!!!
 we are family!
 mon we went to "snapology!"
 over 25 kids showed up!
 my girls
 mon night nate was promoted to "LAC"
 after i put him to bed, i found this gal like this....
 can you find her?
 tues night this dude and i went n a date
 after we dropped nate off at his class, the girls and i went to the candy store.  joey had 0 money.  ellie had 3.00.  ellie gave joeu 1/2 her money.  my heart broke....they both bought candy!
 thern we hit up the pet store and the toy store where i found this....

 we picked up his  engineering class
 then we came home to find this mail for ellie!
 she loved it!