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yard sale find!!!

this gently used, vintage, say 1970's, envy green colored shag rug can be yours for 10.00 canadian!!!

bawahhh. i spit my gum out when i found that bad baby on route of our yard saleing this morning. my fabo sis snapped a pic of it, bec i *gasp* left my camera at home...they were selling a USED, nasty, stained carpet at their yard sale!

we also found redic over priced, like retail prices, sales along the flip flops for 5 bucks, shoes for 20 and USED make up for 10 bucks

we did score a deal thou. fill up a sobeys bag (which they GAVE to us for free) for 5 bucks. my sis and i shared a bag...i got nate 3 pairs of shorts, 3 tops, 1 pair of looked new shoes, 6 books a cd for 2.50...not too bad!