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some simple, easy-peasy decor for the little dude
simplicity at it's finest
"a balloon. for ME!"
nana and poppa came up for a super surprise! dad ate mcdee's! this is a first!
mom too
and they both lived
then to ride the food off
play a video game or two (he actually played and came in 8th) ha!
then for some serious air hockey
very serious...hummmm....wonder where he got that from?!
and back home for simple gifts
and apple crumble that nate made almost (i peeled/cut the apples) by himself. it was ok...ok it was not good at all. new recipe next time! i asked nate what he wanted for his birthday dessert, he said apple pie! i don't do apple pie so apple crumble it was!
nate loved it
super fly
what's a birthday with out ice cream??? ha!
poor pooped pa!
and it's a wrap! nate loved his surprise of the grandparents, he was SO surprised to see them. i wish i got a picture of it! i am glad for the babysitting and some up and coming freedom....*cough* maybe???!
all in all it was a fabo birthday!