nate was moved to the next class today. i did it a bit early cause he's SO ready! he is now the youngest in the class! he's growing so fast! he did great...once i left that is...
i snapped a pic of him playing
while waiting for lunch, i asked nate to tell me about his new class, new teachers and new friends. i thought it would be fun to have him tell me the story and with out knowing what was taught, i wanted to guess the lesson...
he was thinking about the awesome puppet play and what the puppets were saying
then i gave nate my camera to take pics. good job bud!
here he is telling me about the big, big wall that fell down
but no worries, it was built again
but no worries, it was built again
by some man named "nemiah"
i was able to guess the story. ha
flowers and such
my roses bloomed! they are beautiful. i wanted roses SO bad and i finally got them this year! they are pink, red and a fuchsia color. so perty
for those who asked about the garden. here she is!
the beans! i have picked a HUGE bowl everyday this week and i swear they are multiplying over night. they are wonderful-good!
peas are almost ready. still need to sweeten up a bit
mmmm lettuce mmmmm
i have decided that i am going to dbl the size next year. i am going to dig it to the back of the shop and expand it to the left a few more feet. i plan on adding more veggies and try my luck at the herbs and such....wheeee! who woulda thought i would love gardening
i fess up
i love eating the results of my garden
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