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disney training

day 1
he had to rest before we started

then he was off!

i've decided to walk this boy as much as i can before we go that way he won't be a whiny, complaining pain in the cutie p tootie

day 1 went well. there was only 10 complaints of "walking makes me tired"

and he stopped at everything that caught his interest. esp dead bugs see above

day 2 was a walk around the neighbourhood. there was about 6 "walking makes me SOOOOOOOO tired"

day 3. today. there was NO complains! none. just a lot of questions and running

and lots of running

and hiking

looky what i found. red. already. it's august!!

then this afternoon we walked along the river to see the river and the bridge

nate took this. not too shabby


map. it's a map. he loves maps. he spent 5 mins looking at it. then he wanted to keep going....

i put him in sneeks and socks and the complain(s) has stopped. yeah for me! he actually seems to like the "us" time

sigh. i adore my boy(s)