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we're off

running start!

nate wanted to have a "quick" visit with quinn and seeing as we could, why not!?! so, off we went

small boys big chair

crazy group

3 kidlets

love char's face

cows ice cream

mmmmmmmmmm so good!

charlie agreed!

eager child!

we went to the buskers on the hali water front. it was busy. the boys stayed together

make room quinny boy!

there is a boy in there somewhere

today cry and i took the boys garage sailing (yes, sailing not saleing :). so much fun

enema anyone? yep. it was for sale. we had to take a pic

cry was quite sad that the lady wouldn't sell her 1920's cookbook for less than 2. haha. EVERYTHING was WAY over priced

learning to share

good job!

bath girl!

"i love you papa"

my charlie girl. isn't she just simply awesome!