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 we arrived back to the house on tues, we had small groups tues night and i needed to be back.  i came home to my new front steps!!! chris really out did himself.  i only wanted new steps, the onld ones were 12 yrs old and broken.  instead he did this!!!!!

new stones, border and new steps.  i LOVE It.  it looks so much bigger now.  thanks chris!
 then i came around back and saw this!!! chris got me a swing of kijij for free. i need to get a cushion for it and he set up my new patio furniture!  sunday we left the kids at the cabin and went to find a set that we both liked

 we ended up spending 100 more and got this set.  we both love it!  its much stronger and comfortable.  so now i have the set up ive wanted for yrs!!!! thanks chris!
 i took joey to the 300 store yesterday.  shes been acting up lately and i figured she just needed some one on one time.  she has a BLAST and i was reminded that i MISS having 1 on 1 time with each kid! 
 my joey
 this is her "ice cream" dress
 then we joined our neighbors for a lovely afternoon in the sun!  the kids swam and we caught up.  so nice having good friends who live over the fence!
 i found this selfie on my phone!
 and last night chris and i set this bad boy up!
 it was filled this morning but will need a few days to warm up to be warm enough to swim in
 chris painted the last 1/2 of the deck as well. so now all we have to do is set the gazebo back up and we are ready for summer!
 the future mr. and mrs?
 silly joey

 i hope to get my never ending list of things to do around the house semi finished so i can head to the cabin thinking next tues ill come back and the pool will be swim ready...the back yard will be summer ready and i can spend some time at the house, having friends over and enjoying the fruits of chris's hard work! 

thanks chris for ALL you do!  we appreciate it! 

and with that the sun is calling me for a break...then ill tackle the never ending mountain of laundry!