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immm back!

first things first! my long break of non blogging is because my lap top died. it was 9 yrs old...and with it i lost my blogging computer and everything ive saved (not pics) over the last 9 yrs!  so i FINALLY got a new computer (well, new to me!) and got her all set up. thanks to chris and nate! and off i go....

about like, a month ago. ha. i took the kids to the cabin for a night away and to give chris a break from the kids....the girls wanted a fort in the porch and i made this. ha.  they spent the next 4 hrs playing with it!

it was SO hard! haha
then joey got all the flies! we had a couple of really nice days..+14 the flies were trying to make a house in the cabin. no problem! joey hit and sucked them all up!
my little fly killer!
chris and i took the opportunity to have us a breakfast out.  but it ended up being lunch time by the time we got there!  
home stead!  great eats and only 15 mins from the cabin
we came home and i found the girls playing with the pigs.  ellie separated them and gave fluffy a new home. these poor pigs are going to need therapy soon
food and water! ha
the cost of food is going up and up!  im trying to cut down on the cost and set limits with the kids.  no panty items are to be taken with out permission! and only 1 apple and another pc of fruit (if i have it on hand) a day!  it just too expensive!  so i found this...hahaha
my man child! hes such a GREAT help.  he seriously makes me so proud!