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i found joey like this! i love how she dresses herself!
we had our final book club meeting and a banana split social 

the girls enjoyed the sugar
then bright and early the next day we went on a drive....
im HAPPY at 8 am!
to get our puppy!  the girls were so excited!
the FINAL load of wood. thanks chris for all your hard work!  and all the sweat, rain and misery! 
chris was the first to hold our meeka! 
this puppy is very serious. ha 
nate was next!
then we went out to play!
i held meeka first, then ellie
the girls were taken with her!

after a lunch stop it was joey turn, then nate and me
we stopped to run an errand and i cuddled
then i drove the last of the trip and chris held meeka
the first night wasnt so so bad!  we got meeka settled and she slept in her cage 
ellie and meeka 
i came out to find this....does this count as "no dogs on the furniture" rule? 
all happy and settled 
good night meeka!