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another silly day

check it out penny, she fits it.  its an adorable onsie that says "my mom doesn't want your advise"
my little girl
we discovered today that little miss eliana does not like 2 pc outfits!
seriously!  she won't nap in them
funny hu!
love her face
the pic is blurry cause i clicked while walking
missy is drooling like a drool fool!  nate kept wiping it up. he takes such great care of her!
i think some teeth are coming in soon!
man, time is just flying by.  she's 13 wks already!


Anonymous said...

I love the hair!! My girls didn't have enough hair to put in any kind of tail until they were a year old.
Blessings on you and your family Mel.
Love, Ursi

Penny said...

Hahaha! I'm happy she can wear it :) she is gorgeous, Mel! You can already see her coy side!