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i'm alive!

no laptop (chris sold it for a "better" one) + no camera (internal battery charger broke)= no blogging for mel!

i should be back and running later this week sometime

i think it's funny that i get texts/emails and phone calls from amazing friends just to check in and make sure we are ok!

life is busy, days are full and i go to bed exhausted.  sleep is a god send.  esp now that miss ellie pants is TEETHING!  got  back teeth, can't tell is they are her molars and looks like the front 2 are trying to pop through. making her routine wonky and sleep scattered.  thank god, that she is (normally) awesome night sleeper. we can get a few hours of sleep....

that's us!  how are you?


Ursi said...

Glad to hear that everything is ok (other than your laptop and camera;)
I miss my almost daily update of your family.