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play/school room!

i gutted the play room a few wks ago
got rid of they unused toys
then reorganised it all
each box has a pic showing what goes in there
easy to follow AND nate does it!
blocks are with blocks!
trucks with trucks!
if they are NOT put away, i take em forever (insert evil laugh)
toys are on the left side
school is on the right!
the top 2 shelves are off limits mostly school manuals or books that i read to him that i want taken care of
middle shelf is school related 'toys' or small toys like lego, marbles etc that could cause choking. this shelf is OFF limits unless i give it to nate and when he's done it goes back
we do most of our reading on the couch
a school couch
the bottom 2 shelves are nate's books
and NO it is not 'exessive" to have that many books
when you read 10+ books a DAY I get bored real fast. ha
it also encourages reading and the love of books
speaking of...
nates room in all it's glory
books everywhere, in his bed floor, chair, table
i did clean it today so it looks better. ha
he loves to read
well look at the pictures
                                                "you guys are so funny"
more books and mess and more
its all cleaned up now~!