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chris went to the store...

 with 3 items on his list
1-juice (apple)
2-milk (2)

150.00 later he comes home with this (sorry the pics are blurry,i was laughing to hard to keep a calm hand)
 we have 2 CASES of juice as well as 3 lg bottles, 1 case of sports drink!, 4 bottles of ketchup, 2 milk, a over prices yogurt (that i only buy on sale, it was not on sale) so nice milk, 2 BOXES of claritin (that i havent used since 2007) and a tub of no name ice cream (seriously! who buys NO ANME ICE CREAM>?????EWWWWWW)

now i have proof and evidence of why I do the grocery shopping and NOT chris.  please notice there is NOTHING there of for us to EAT for SUPPER!!!!! 

he's now banned from any store. 

he did provide me with a great laugh, that i totally needed!  i love you chris!

nates been sleeping in my bed, until chris comes.  i like it, we can snuggle and do our night devotion and chat about the day with out waking ellie party pants up. the other night i came in to find him like this....on the FLOOR!  he's sleeping on his carpet. silly kid!