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 we forced chris, who kicked and screamed and had a bad attitude for most of the trip...on a FUN family outing. sigh, i adore chris but he needs to lighten up and enjoy life! ha!  anyways, we took the kids to shediac yesterday for some family fun. i locked them up.  notice ellies head peeking out
 then ellie was off to explore. eliana is our little joy who delights is, well, living!
 teeny, tiny jo jo came too. she brought her own milk and was in deep thought for most of the trip. haha
 ellie ran to the lobster and beat nate to the top. ellie has no fear, she LOVES to live and have fun
 then they were off to the water, where ellie jumped in! with all her clothes, nate joined her, they had so much fun. jo and i stayed behind so i could feed her her second rate food (insert loads of sarcasm here, i am getting to my end of judgmental people and their opinions on how i feed my child...)
 then we had a family pic, see i'm there too!
ellie was giving nate a pep talk on how to have FUN
 he got it! and ellie was off to find more fun!
 then we hit the drive thou and took our striped down to almost bare kids home for a bath, more food and bed!
i love family days and some day chris will like them too! hahaha